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Dominique Baron-Bonarjee, Andrei Costache, Ben Mosher
10th - 18th February - open by appointment only
Private view: 9th February, 6-8pm
This exhibition sees the collision of four practices, each responding to and interested in relationships, be it between inanimate objects relying on one another to function or the silent contract explored through a viewer looking at an artwork. Allowing the work to integrate not just within the confines of the galleries four walls but spilling out into the street, the exhibition considers structures, institutional and otherwise, being broken and formed by the relationships that are created when the different works are situated alongside one another. Whether it’s the building blocks of a premise for a conversation between two insentient entities reliant on their outer frame or a concrete block being manipulated to portray how one feels when in an unrewarding relationship, giving everything but gaining nothing, the idea of relations is consistent throughout. Space Cutters runs parallel to Collapse, where human and inert forces come into play to keep the different works alive, allowing a horizontal to vertical descent.
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Curated by Zoe Forster

Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Installation view, 2017
Between, Exhibition Documentation, 2017
Andrei Costache, SPACE CUTTERS, 2016 (detail)
OSB board, acrylic paint, screws, steel
Dimensions variable
Andrei Costache, SPACE CUTTERS, 2016 (detail)
OSB board, acrylic paint, screws, steel
Dimensions variable
Dominique Baron-Bonarjee, Collapse, 2016
HD digital video
Video, sound 16 min 38 sec
Ben Mosher, Signal - Blue Red Yellow, 2017
HD digital video
Video, sound 10 min 17 sec

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